“Ancient Medicine. Modern Research. Revolutionary Thinking”
What is Evidence Based Acupuncture? “Evidence Based Acupuncture was created to show the current state of knowledge about acupuncture, using the language of science. We are a community run project providing simple, trustworthy and robust evidence-based tools that will empower acupuncturists and acupuncture as equal among medicines, improving public health and saving lives”
Dr Lara McLure is a Director of Evidence Based Acupuncture. Lara may be a familiar face to some of you as she has been teaching research methodology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervising MSc dissertations in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine at the Northern College of Acupuncture since 2005. Here her passion lies in helping practitioners to bring evidence to the care of their patients, integrate scholarship into their clinical practice and communicate their own research in a clinically relevant way.
Lara’s current research interests centre around patient adherence, chronic pain conditions, the implementation of complementary modalities in mainstream healthcare, and the clinical applicability of research.
We are delighted to hold a webinar on the 24 April where Lara will present to us acupuncture research publications and how to efficiently and effectively bring research into your clinic to benefit both you and your clients.
Webinar Recording Now available for free
EBA have a fantastic website which provides evidence summaries on conditions, up to date information on the latest research and a peer support network.
Our members can also benefit from discount which EBA have kindly provided if you want to join and be a member. It normally costs £79.00 however as a member of AAC/JAMA it will be £49.00.