Association of Acupuncture Clinicians
Your initial visit will take up to an hour and a half and will consist of a personal and medical consultation covering your family history, lifestyle, systems functions (eg. sleep, appetite) and full details of your current complaint/s and any test or investigations that you have had. You will also have the opportunity to discuss in complete confidence any concerns or troubles you may currently be dealing with. After your consultation I may carry out a number of short non-invasive physical diagnostic tests including blood pressure, temperature distribution and pulse taking. In most cases, aside from the most complex, this is then followed by your first treatment.
Subsequent appointments take up to three quarters of an hour, and include discussion of your progress and your treatment to date.
Before agreeing on a course of treatment with your acupuncturist it is important that you check with your Private Health Insurer to confirm that your treatment will be covered by your policy as this information is subject to changes outside of our control.
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5 Element Acupuncture
Moxibustion Therapy
Japanese Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture including NADA and Battlefield
K Tape and magnet therapy
Mushroom Nutrition
Health / Blood Tests
5 Element Acupuncture
Toyohari acupuncture (120 hours) post-graduate course delivered by the UK Toyohari Association (TUK)
Medical Phlebotomy Training
Advanced Auricular Acupuncture Training
Fertility CPD
Muscle Taping and Magnet Therapy
Mushroom Nutrition CPD
Advanced Moxibustion Training with Felip Caudet
The Old Workshop,
12b Kennerleys Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5EQ
Tel: 0843 507 0123