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Association of Acupuncture Clinicians

Virtual Appointment Hours
Supporting women going trough fertility treatments I offer out of hours appointments based on their clinic schedule.

About the clinic

Clinic is based in residential area and is conveniently located in West Ealing, with easy access to busses (E2&E3) and tube (Northfields on Picadilly line or West Ealing on Elizabeth line). Parking on the street is restricted between 10-11 and 3-4.

Treatment List

  • Adult acupuncture case history and treatment 1-1.5h £120.00
  • Adult follow up treatment 40-60 min £60.00
  • Paediatric acupuncture case history and treatment (young person 12-18 yo) 1-1.5h £90.00
  • Paediatric follow up treatment (12-18yo) 40-60 min £50.00
  • Paediatric acupuncture case history and treatment (child 0-11 yo) 40-60 min £70.00
  • Paediatric acupuncture treatment (child 0-11 yo) 20-30 min £40.00

Healthcare Providers

Before agreeing on a course of treatment with your acupuncturist it is important that you check with your Private Health Insurer to confirm that your treatment will be covered by your policy as this information is subject to changes outside of our control. 

Practitioner Name
Kate Kotlarska BSc (Hons) Lic.Ac., Dip Paed Ac, MAAC, HPD, DipCHyp, MPNLP Prac
I have ben exploring holistic therapies since 2012- completed massage course, graduated with BSc (Hons) from College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 2015, finished Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture in 2017, Quest Hypnotherapy Diploma in 2022, Master Practitioner in 2023. After practicing for few years and experiencing the wonderful effects it can bring, I recognise that sometimes it may be beneficial to suplement the treatment with gentle herbs or mushrooms. I am licensed and insured to prescribe Homeobotanicals and Homeoherbals, Bach Flower Remedies as well as Medicinal Mushrooms. In my clinic I support babies, children, teenagers as well as adult women using many modalities of acupuncture, for example cupping, guasha, laser, moxa or electro acupuncture. I am a member of HOPA- Hub of Paediatric Acupuncture, ACT – Active Childbirth Team in London which provide regular meetings to widen our knowledge in those areas. I have taken a number of courses focused on different styles of paediatric traetmens, as well a courses on women’s health, supporting through different stages of life, including fertitlity and menopause. I do enjoy utilising my skills learned during my studies with Quest Institute to coach my clients into better health.


Therapies Offered:
Treatment qualifications obtained:
Client Type:
DBS Check:
2012 Holistic Massage, Pregnancy Massage 2015 BsC (Hons) Acupuncture 2017 Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture 2018 Shonishin- Japanese style of acupuncture for children 2018 Paediatric tuina 2021 Bach flower prescriber 2022 Cognitive Hypnotherapy Diploma course 2023 Master Practitioner at Quest Institute 2023 Medicinal mushrooms prescriber 2023 Homeobotanical & Homeoherbal prescriber
