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Association of Acupuncture Clinicians

About the clinic

Hi, my name is Amanda and I run my Acupuncture and Naturopathic clinic from our home in Billericay. My journey to acupuncture started over 25 years ago when I had acupuncture for morning sickness. I was inspired and amazed by this wonderful system of medicine. A number of years later having used acupuncture personally for a few different conditions I decided to retrain. I embarked on a 3 year course to become a Licensed Acupuncturist and Naturopath. I have thoroughly enjoyed being the mother of 2 wonderful children and my initial aim was to help others in their fertility journey, I have since completed specialist training in this area and immensely enjoy this aspect of my work. Looking at diet, and lifestyle along side the acupuncture is a core concept of my treatment plans with all clients. I have a specialist interest in Bladder conditions and have given a number of talks for UK Bladder Health on this subject. Digestion is something that features very regularly in my clinic and something that I am very passionate about having struggled with this personally over the years, needless to say my training has helped me address this is so many ways. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss your health and wellbeing requirements.

Treatment List

  • Acupuncture & Naturopathy - 90 minutes £80.00

    Initial consultation, treatment and Naturopathic Advice

  • Acupuncture Follow up £65.00

    Follow up consultation

Healthcare Providers

Before agreeing on a course of treatment with your acupuncturist it is important that you check with your Private Health Insurer to confirm that your treatment will be covered by your policy as this information is subject to changes outside of our control. 


Practitioner Name
Amanda Banks


Therapies Offered:
Treatment qualifications obtained:
Client Type:
Licensed Acupuncturist Diploma in Naturopathy
