STF Application Form

    Name of Client:

    Date of Birth:

    Presenting Problem:

    Is the client working? (Details)

    Accommodation details (own property, rent, etc):

    Details of Any Benefits Weekly/Monthly :

    Details of other income Weekly/Monthly :

    Details of savings :

    In your opinion as therapist, once the subsidised therapy has ended will treatments be complete or if not, will you continue to offer further low-cost treatments?

    If your client is a minor please read the information about treating minors in the member’s area.

    Proposed Costs
    Proposed contribution per session the client can afford:

    Your usual therapy cost per session :

    How many sessions does the client need (if unknown please provide a rough estimate) :

    Amount outstanding per treatment :

    Discount required from Therapist per treatment :

    The amount AAC will contribute per treatment :

    Total outstanding funds required :

    Sessions AAC can provide :

    AAC total payout over the sessions :

    Therapist's Name:

    Email address:

    Membership Number:

    Telephone Number:

    I confirm that I have explained the limitations of the therapy subsidy to my client and if the application is successful AAC will only provide subsidised funding upto a total of £120 per client.

